Monday, December 22, 2008

Peace to my Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit


Holly said...

got your christmas card!! so rad, thanks for that. who took the picture?

Nikki Sanchez said...

woah, why are you selling it???
I would make an offer, but we already have one... But if we don't get a Fit for xmas, I may wanna buy that :)

Stephen Mar said...

Holly- Glad you and Jon got the card.  I took the picture myself and used the auto timer.  I actually gave that camera to my parents for xmas and probably caving in to get the Nikon CoolPix camera that Ashton Kutcher has been shamelessly prompting.

Nicole- I sold both the Wii and Wii Fit last night.  Sorry!!! :)
Try craigslist!

Jon said...

Good move steve, t.v. rots your brainz.